Wednesday, April 04, 2007

What I need to learn this Easter Week....

Center My life in God, not in my circumstances. God is constant; my circumstances are temporary. Ask God, “What do you want me to learn or to do in these present circumstances.”

· Change me, God – Instead of asking God to change my circumstances, ask him to change me in the circumstances.

· Practice being in the present – Today, whenever I find my mind drifting to another place, bring it back to the present, and ask God to help me stay in the present.

· Determine to be a good steward of what I have, instead of focusing on what I don’t have. Make the most of what God has given me.

I hope all of you have a beautiful Easter Week...



rebecca said...

thank you for this. i need to do all those things. thanks for the reminder.

Mermaid Melanie said...

i need practice in being in the present. and listening for my signals. I am so tired right now, its hard to focus.

but onward, in love. :hug: