I have been getting a lot of E-mails lately. I love to get the cute E-mails with the pictures and the inspirational e-mails..... but the ones that are rumors, well, I have to say,I just delete anything that hints of a rumor now.. And If I think twice about something, I ALWAYS look it up on
SNOPES now... Snopes has saved me a lot of embarrassment.. I got another rumor, saying that Home Depot had banned Christmas from it's website..
It's FALSE! I think the people that come up with this stuff are just looking for things to do. Do they not realize that they could actually ruin peoples lives by passing around lies??? It's like gossip on steroids! Give me a break! Just had to get that off of my chest..
I hope all of you are having a good week. My husband is job hunting. He has spoken with a few companies, but they want him to be gone for 3-4 weeks at a time.. He thinks he can find something where he can be home a couple of days a week.We'll see.
And my friend, Tracy's grandmother is coming home from the hospital after the heart surgery she had last week. She is doing okay.. She will have to have round the clock care for a while though.
Please keep us all in your prayers..
Bunches of hugs.....
I hope your husband finds something soon and doesnt have to be gone for weeks at a time. I'll keep your family in my prayers.
I hate getting all those rumor emails as well. Most of the time I just delete them.
Take care!!
Snopes rocks - I keep them bookmarked to check out everything!!
I love Snopes ,,, you can learn a lot of things if we just take the time.......
I've been praying for your husband's job hunt for quite awhile. Will keep it up.
I loved your "gossip on steroids" quote. I sooo agree. I received so many negative {and untrue} emails about Barack Obama during the weeks before the election. I just didn't read most of them as they were ridiculous. Whether or not I was a supporter, I wasn't about to be a perpretrator of lies.
Thanks for this post.
~hippo hugs~
I'm with you, I try to check it out at SNOPES and if I can't find it and it sounds too far fetched, it goes into my trash can.
Glad to hear about your friends Grandmother.
Hoping your hubby finds something close to home so he can be home several days a week. Hey, tell him to check out Home Depot or Lowe's in your area, they may need people to deliver items. Especially with the holidays coming up.
Snopes is wonderful! I've referenced it often.
I wish your husband the best in his job search!
So, I’m stopping by to let you know that I’ve posted my Favorite Ingredients Friday recipe! I hope you’ll join me this week by posting a recipe of your own.
I HATE "rumor emails"! Truly one of my greatest pet peeves. Snopes is awesome!!
Don't worry, your husband will get a good job, everything will work out.
Snopes is a good site, it is a must have bookmark. Rumors, like spam, is a big problem. You'd be surprised at how many people believe everything that they read and then pass it along to someone else - sometimes everybody in their address book!
Hi Stephanie,
I check with Snopes as well. People should find something better to do with their time!
I wish your husband all the best in his job search. And I'm glad to hear Tracy's grandmother is doing well. Prayers on her behalf and your husband's behalf, will continue here.
Have a wonderful weekend and God bless!
Good news on your friends Grandma!
I use Snopes alot too. The internet can be a good thing or a bad thing. Depends on how it's used :( Some people can be so careless.
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