Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lots of rain!

Rain Rain go away.......
I am sort of glad summer is over, but I really wish we would have the breezy fall weather, instead of rain all the time.. The kids are cooped up and I'm cooped up. The ballgames are cancelled. This is not any fun... Rain rain, go away!
I hope you have a wonderful week.. Nothing much going on. the rain seems to stop everything..


Nonnas News said...

Im on facebook now too, I joined about 5 months ago. Im trying to do better at blogging again. I'll add ya on facebook! I agree, Im ready for fall weather, and enough with the rain! LOL

LZ Blogger said...

But without the rain... there's NO GREEN! ~ jb///

hippo chick said...

Hi Stephanie,

We had lots and lots of rain this summer, but September has been really dry. Why can't we have some compromises, I wonder?

Cheryl, Lara and Renie, all southern gals are talking about rain. You could send a little my way. I need to spend a day or two inside.

Our weather has been absolutely gorgeous for fall. We are getting outside work done and lots and lots of walking. I really am liking it.

Hope you have a good and dry week.

~hippo hugs~