Thursday, September 25, 2008

Favorite Ingredients Friday / Bread Edition

For Favorite Ingredients Friday ( Bread Edition ), hosted by Overwhelmed With Joy,

I want to put the bread recipe that I got from
My Momma's Cookbook. Go check it out, then go check out the other recipes..

Well, It's a beautiful day here in North Mississippi. I am so glad, and I am so glad that the Presidential debate in Oxford is still on for tonight.. I was in Oxford a few weeks ago for a meeting, and they were steadily getting everything ready. the campus was buzzing with excitement. Our meeting was a t the Chamber Of Commerce, and they said they were so ready.. So... it's a sigh of relief right now in Oxford.. Please pray for our candidates. This is one important night.. and pray for our nation too.. I'm sure you're ahead of me on that... Bunches of hugs!


threesidesofcrazy said...

Aren't those coffee can bread really yummy?

Unknown said...

Yes I'm glad they are still doing the debate. I agree we all need to pray for this nation. This gas crisis here is scary.Have a beautiful weekend. Love ya. Lisa

Nonnas News said...

I've been praying a lot about this election!

Renie Burghardt said...

Hi Stephanie,

I will go check out your bread recipe. I watched the debate and thought both candidates did well. Of course, I'm partial to one of them only. :-)

Our weather is beautiful as well, but a little dry. Have a wonderful weekend.

Hugs and blessings,


Beanie said...

S, thank you for reminding us to pray for our candidates. Both of them. Because regardless of who wins, we want them to lead with wisdom and kindness and we need to help them achieve that.


Denise said...

I love homemade bread! I have a bread machine and I need to get it out and make some bread this fall... I so pray for our nation.. I am fearful......... now that is a statement of Faith is it not... yet I continue to pray.... I am very very political and read everything that I can get my hands on...... People need to know who they are voting for................

Have a blessed Sunday.....

Monogram Queen said...

Mmmm I love homemade bread!

Diane said...

This election is SO important. I realize all of them are, but the nation has some gigantic issues that will fall onto the next one's plate. Yes, we should all pray for the candidates. Only God can direct their decisions and I pray that they seek His guidance.


Nancy said...

Hi Stephanie!

I make homemade bread all the time...never buy store bread at all, anymore.

As far as the election goes....I am getting sick of all the jabber on TV.....they carry it too far at times. Katie Couric is a royal pain with her interviews and chatter about the candidates! I turn the channel everytime now. They are wearing it out! I'll stick to breadmaking! LOL

(((((( HUGS ))))))

Overwhelmed! said...

What a fun recipe! Who would've thought to bake bread in a coffee can?! :)

Thanks for participating in my Favorite Ingredients Friday- Bread Edition recipe exchange! I do appreciate it.