Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ike & the Red Cross

My brother and my aunts and their families all live in the Houston,Texas area. They stayed in Houston,since they are on the East side, but it looks like Houston got a rough ride.. In 1983, We went through Hurricane Alecia. I remember it was horrifying.. We were without power for 2 weeks, and the flooding was all around.. There were moskitoes and snakes and bullfrogs all over when the floods came.. It gives me the creeps just thinking about it..


This storm IKE IS A MONSTER! Please pray for all of those going through this...

and even our gas prices in North Mississippi are going up, because the refineries are shut down.For how long?? Who knows...I paid $4.14 gallon friday afternoon and they say it will be over $5.08 gal. this weekend.. I don't plan on going anywhere.. I'll just be watching and praying for them.. so If you are in the storm areas, My thoughts are with you...

Stay safe and bunches of hugs.....

Give to the American Red Cross if at all posible. They need our help!


Unknown said...

I hope everyone is safe from the storms of hurricane Ike today.
Hugs. Lisa

Patty said...

Believe it or not, our cherry tree that had started to die, but the top was still very much alive and had cherries this summer, which we couldn't reach but the birds loved them, toppled over today in the high winds we got. Our neighbor has lost three Bradford pear trees, taking a power line with it. No one has shown up yet to removed them from the line. Apparently trees have been falling all over. My Mother is without power, has been all afternoon. Ours kept going on and off, I have reset the clocks for the third time, told Abe, if it happens again, they can stay off till tomorrow. Hope you didn't get too much of it. Abe's brother left the Houston area and went to Dallas to stay with some of his wife's family until the worst was over. Have a good week.

Monogram Queen said...

So glad it wasn't as bad as it COULD have been, but bad enough!

Alice said...

Oh, my, I hope you'll post an update about your family. I ran into a friend this weekend who has family there too. He said they decided to stick it out rather than sit in traffic for 15 hours as they did the last time. I pray for everyone effected.

Nancy said...

I do hope your family was safe and their property spared of any damage. I, too, had friends in Houston. I did a post about this guy's parents the other day. We got nothing of rain, no wind, nothing. We are getting rain tonight, off and on.

I have been wondering about you and your wallpaper removal and painting project, as I may remove some wallpaper this winter. Was it as bad a job as I hear it is??? I am leary of even starting it alone....

I have been a little out of blogging the past few weeks, as I am still caring for my son's sick kitties, trying to get them through this latest crisis with their health problems. I am going to try and get back with it again.

Have a great week!

(((((( HUGS ))))))

Cheryl Wray said...

Oh my goodness...praying that your family is safe!