Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Happy April Fools Day!

I'm sorry, I haven't been on line much lately. We have been very busy.. I have gotten the Easter Egg Swap package ready to mail and will get that in the mail to my swap partner this week..

If anyone in the swap needs a question answered, just e-mail me.. I don't want anyone to not get their swap package, so if you have a problem that makes you unable to get your package to your partner, Please, please let me know now...

Well, last night I stayed up late, making sure my computer is protected from that mean Conficker virus worm that's supposed to be going around.. Be careful what you open today as far as your e-mails are concerned..

I haven't had an April fool joke played on me yet... but I am on the lookout..

I hope you all have a wonderful April Fools day, and that you don't get fooled too

Bunches of hugs...


Cheryl Wray said...

I'm watching out for tricks today too. :-)

Denise said...

Life if too fast sometimes....... but we will read when you show up... I have missed a lot.

hippo chick said...

I think I made it through without any tricks. No virus either. PTL.

Still praying for you hubby and a job. How's it going?

~hippo hugs~

Monogram Queen said...

I don't know anyone who was affected by that worm so hopefully it was nothing but a nasty joke.

Glad to see a post from you sweetie!

Susie Homemaker said...

missed you girl!

Karen H. said...

Good Morning Stephanie,
"HAPPY BELATED APRIL FOOL'S DAY" to you. I didn't get any tricks played on me, but I did play one on our youngest daughter. I hope yall didnt' get any Severe Storms down you way last week. We are under a Freeze Warning for tonight and until 9:00a.m. in the morning. I'm glad now I havne't planted my flowers or rose bushes yet. I'm waiting until after good Friday now. Take care my friend and have agreat Monday. May GOD Bless you adn yours. I heard about that virus, but I'mb eginning to think now it was some kind of April Fool's joke. I haven't heard anymore about it since last week.
Karen H.