Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Fall, Everyone!

Great News!

My husband found a job.. Thank you, Lord!

Hopefully, things will get back to normal. I've been busy this week, even though I have been on vacation from work. I couldn't afford to go anywhere, but I have enjoyed the time off.
Monday, It's back to the grind, but I am thankful that I have a job to go back to..

I hope all of you have a great weekend!
We are going to see what stuff is going on for Halloween.. I think I'll make some caramel apples and brownies.. I've got to prepare some treat bags too.. Got lots of candy!

Bunches of hugs!


Babydoll said...

Happy about the hubby's new job!!! Congrats!! Thanks for the Happy Fall wishes. Take care!

LZ Blogger said...

That's great that your husband found a job! Those sweets... look VERY SWEET! ~ Have a nice Halloween! ~ jb///

threesidesofcrazy said...

Great to see you in blogland again! I'm finally getting up and running again after the cross country move.