Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Here comes the SUN!

Finally, the ground should start to dry up..

Maybe I can get back in the swing of blogging again. I am giving it a try. I am trying to catch up with every one's blogs. We are so glad that Darrell has a job now. I know the holidays will be sporadic, but that's okay. We are used to it. We are a trucker's family..lol

Speaking of holidays, I hope all of you are going to have a good one. We are going to make the best of it. Hopefully with lots of quality time with the family.

Now, I'm going to check out what everyone has been up to.

If you like, you can be my friend on facebook.

I'm emeraldrose63 on facebook .

Bunches of hugs...


Renie Burghardt said...

Same here, Stephanie. After 3 days of torretail rains, the sun has finally come out, and we're having some beautiful weather in the 60s and seventies.

I'm so glad your husband has a job. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, too, as my daughter and family will be here for a week from Ohio, and one of my sons as well. The other one was just here for a few days. He is a policeman and won't have time off later.

Facebook is fun, isn't it?

Have a great rest of the week.



Unknown said...

Good to see your back to blogger to, I am trying very hard toget back to it also. I am so happy that your husband got a job. Love your blog template. Take care. hugs to ya. Lisa

hippo chick said...


Wonderful news about the job. God is good - always and whatever the case, he sees us through. This job is heaven sent, I'm sure.

Glad to have you back blogging again.

~hippo hugs~

CindyDianne said...

Glad to see you back. Did I already say that? It seems like I might have... hm.

Nikki said...

Just stopping by to say hi! I am glad that the sun has been out for the past few days but I think there's more rain in the forecast for MS, at least in my area (east central).

Cheryl Wray said...

The hurricane's come inland and now we have been rained on nonstop all night and day! :-)

The Little Miss said...

you have such a beautiful blog!!!!!!! I will be back for sure!!!

come check me out also at littlemissheirlooms.blogspot.com
I have 2 giveaways going on and a new one every monday so be sure to follow me :)